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Children with Special Needs

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

For grandparents and whanau caregivers with special needs children in their care an additional layer of complexity, stress and anxiety is added to their daily lives. 

This guide does not purport to cover all of the issues and options available to you to access the help that you need. 

Over time our own knowledge of the best sources of help and advice will be added to this website. 

If you have a special needs child in your care and would like to share your learning and best tips or your organisation can help our members please get in touch with us so that we can add it to our growing resources and post it to our website.

Child Disability Allowance

The Child Disability Allowance is a fortnightly payment made to the main carer of a child or young person with a serious disability. It is paid in recognition of the extra care and attention needed for that child.  Please refer to the Work and Income website here for current information on the eligibility criteria and rates applicable.

Informative Websites on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Altogether Autism
A nationwide information and advisory service for people living on the Autism spectrum, their families, whanau and professionals working with people on the Autism spectrum.

ASD Guidelines Website
Provides information about the New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline.

Aspergers provides a range of consulting services (including diagnostic assessment) for adults, teenagers and children with Aspergers Syndrome.

Autism Speaks
Excellent website, informative, current research, free tool kits to download, Autism apps.

Autism Spectrum Australia
Australian Resources.

Center for the Study of Autism
Links and Information covering a broad range of information including overviews on autism.

Family Services Directory
Looking for support for you and your family? The Family Services Directory lists organisations in your area that can help.

Ministry of Education: Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Learning about Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Ministry of Health
Key Projects and Programmes for Autism Spectrum Disorders

National Autistic Society, UK

Support Agencies

Carers NZ
A resource for carers with a wealth of information and resources.

CCS Disability Action

Living with intellectual disability in New Zealand. IHC New Zealand Inc will advocate for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with an intellectual disability and support them to live satisfying lives in the community.

Kids Health
Child and youth health information site to support parents and health professionals by the Starship Foundation and Paediatric Society.

Parent to Parent

Rescare New Zealand
Rescare NZ is dedicated to bringing information and support to those caring or advocating for people with an intellectual disability. We remain a totally independent voice for those who want the best for their family member.

Socially Speaking - Alison Schroeder

Sue Larkey - Special Needs Teacher, Australia
Smart strategies, information articles and action steps to making teaching & living with autism spectrum disorder a success.

The New Zealand Association for Gifted Children (NZAGC)
promotes the needs of gifted kids at national level and supports and fosters initiatives at local level.

Youthlaw is a specialist nationwide community law centre for children and young people under the age of 25. Youthlaw has particular expertise in education law ranging from school enrolment, discipline to special educational needs.

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