He waka eke noa: Māori grandparents raising grandchildren
Liz Gordon (2018)
This article analyses data from Māori participants in the large study of grandparents raising grandchildren conducted in 2016. As a significant proportion of users of GRG's services, Māori caregivers have carved out their own approaches to negotiating the role of grandparents bringing up their children’s children, or ‘mokopuna’ (often ‘moko’).
Impact of Parents' Drug Issues
Liz Gordon (2018) ‘My daughter is a drug addict’: grandparents caring for the children of addicted parents, Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 13:1, 39-54
Seeking Income Support from WINZ
Liz Gordon (2017) Experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren in getting income support from work and income offices in New Zealand, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 12:2, 134-145