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Meet the Team

Cecilee Donovan

Cecilee Donovan – Wellington

I, became a GRG Support Group Coordinator, 23 years ago. while raising a grandchild and working full-time.  My area was huge and is now separated into four areas with four wonderful Coordinators.

I would not have been able to continue with the workload and pace that GRG has grown without the extraordinary commitment of Philippa Wilson our secretary who does everything from managing me to delivering clothing, food and furniture and giving so generously of her time and energy to GRG members. GRG gave me the strength and vision to keep going when it was tough, to know that I wasn't on this journey alone and later that I worked with incredibly strong men and women who had the courage to be 2nd time parents even when they didn't want to.

To find out more about the Wellington Support Group, get in touch with our national office.

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